Torchbearer Calling
Esempio di ispirazione “Entrepreneurship & Innovation” per la serie testimonianze
Più forte spingi su un trampolino, più in alto riesci a saltare (Andrea Poffe)
di Sara Platini
From the beginning of Nancy Duarte's new book: Illuminate - Ignite Change Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies and Symbols.
The future is a formless void, a blank space waiting to be filled.
And then a Torchbearer envisions a new possibility.
That vision is your dream, your calling,
and it burns like a fire in your belly.
But you can't create the future alone.
You need Travelers to come along.
Yet the path through the unknown is dark and unclear.
You have to illuminate the path for travelers.
Torchbearers communicate in a way that conquers fear and inspires hope.
Some say being a torchbearer is a burden.
Some say it is a blessing.
Either way, those who light the path are the ones who change the world.